Wai Ching, Thomas, Angeline and Justina

Aaron Le Boutillier has recently written a book 'And Then One Morning' and had it launched in Singapore at Hyatt Hotel yesterday. The book recounts his narrow escape from death in the 2004 Tsunami when he was in Koh Phi Phi Island in Southern Thailand. The book is published by Big Waves Publications which website is: http://www.bigwavepublications.com/index.html
I was delightfully surprised to meet some crew and ex-crew, in particular was Lee Wai Ching who left SQ in the 80s.
I have known Aaron since he began training the Singapore Airlines Cabin Crew in 2003 in the REACT programme. Whilst training the Cabin Crew, he would often pop in my desk to chat, during his breaks. The crew enjoy his training and he get along very well with them. He is well liked by the crew.
One morning after surviving the Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004, Aaron and I were discussing about deaths and suicides at our work place, I told Aaron that I had a theory about suicide. I told him that if you have a mother to love, you cannot commit suicide. His eyes brightened up and he began to recall his near death encounter with the Tsunami. He said, "Yes I agree with you. When I thought I was going to die, I thought of my mother and said silently, 'I'm sorry Mum.'" He mentioned about this apology to his mother in the book.
To those of you who know Choice Theory, what are your views about my theory of love for mother in preventing suicide? I think that this Love and Belonging need is extended even to a pet that you love enough could prevent you from suicide. Is it not true that many who commit suicide has nobody in their Quality World?
Please read bohtong's posting on "about cow and milk" and give him some tips on how to help that person he blogged about being conned by a woman .... Bohtong gave up so easily ... thank goodness there is Edmond the counsellor....
The cows Bohtong is talking about are 'greedy cows' and you get them everywhere, not only restricting to China cows. I can't help you if you mix with greedy cows. Only when you turn into a 'mad cow' after you are cheated by the greedy cow, then you may call me to help by counselling. And if I can't help you, I refer you to the 'Psycowtrist.'
Mr. Tay, Your reply about the cows lack professionalism when a simple query was presented to you. These folks (they are people/a person, not cows)need guidance, which you missed the opportunity to provide, without the unhelpful descriptors you used. And for a counselor, you gave up even before you tried. Such a pity..
The person whom I replied to understands me better because we understand the context. I don't blame you, as you may not be aware. You may want to check out yourself about what cow and milk Bohtong is talking about in his blog http://bohtong.blogspot.com/
It is one one of my ex-colleagues teasing Bohtong and me. It is all in the fun, so don't have to get so serious and end up mad. Thanks for your comments anyway.
yeah! one of the cows bt talked abt is in HCM under the guise of work, but actually trying to protect her 'investment'. she shld have protected her honor. penang cowdung!
mooooo! the cow is back!
Hey hey u guys are talking behind me back huh?
The man conned by a china gal needs help from me? Gotto be kidding man.
Edmund's blog so cool hor?
Aiya I aso know Aaron la that botak tranier in karate(REACT)....hehehe
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