They all say this is going to be a difficult year.
This is what we don't like to hear,
Because it instils not confidence but fear.
But cheer up, just lend me your ear.
Dont be mentally muzzled by your sacred cow.
It's time to change your paradigm, change it NOW.
For with bovine strength you can plough
Through the field of adversity; you will not bow.
The soil from dawn to dusk you till;
Your daily tasks, for your own sake must fulfil.
Lest you the Golden Egg Goose kill,
Abstain from lavishing on Prime, Kobe beef and veal.
There may be insufficient cash in your purse,
So your resources you must preserve, conserve and reserve.
No bullshit, save the cow dung for fuel to convert,
Following the adage of 'Waste not want not.'
No matter how tough, never be cowed into yielding,
Cos' 'When the going gets tough, the Tough gets going.'
You wiil have to trust your heart and tripe feeling
At all times, keeping at the bullseye focusing.
And when you pull through, you can the Victory shout.
Your success is actually failure turned inside out.
Your limited cow sense might have caused you doubt,
But you persevered with bull strength for success to come about.
Wow, wow! What an apt and inspiring poem to prepare us for the difficult times ahead. Thank you, Mr Tay. Your believer.
Great words of wisdom!
nice blog....keep it up good work..
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